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Wong Kei Kwan, or better known by his pen name Zunzi 尊子, is a political cartoonist living in Hong Kong. Zunzi has been called “the territory’s most prominent political cartoonist”.

Along with his illustrations, Chinese political figures such as Jiang Zemin, Liu Xiaobo, and Xi Jinping have been depicted.


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Ernest Chang is a Chinese-American multidisciplinary artist with deuteranopia (red-green color-blindness).

Siu Man Lo

Artist Siuman Lo’s works often feature imagery that at first glance seems colorful and inviting, but subsequently unsettles with its subtle grotesqueness.

Frog King

A multimedia artist popularly known as Frog King, Kwok was born in Guangdong, China, in 1947,and he grew up in Hong Kong.


Chung H. Chak graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1981, where he studied with the modernist master Liu Kuo-sung.