Fubi Chan, also known as DaddyBoy®, is a local, self-taught animator who is deeply inspired by the infamous cult films by director Mou Tun Fei from the 1960s. His designs are distinctive fan art of Mou’s movies, capturing some of their iconic scenes in his own unique visual language.
Fubi’s work can also be seen at “ILOVEYOURGIRLFRIEND,” a new-gen barber shop in Taipei that combines art, music, ‘grillz,’ and barber culture.
DaddyBoy®️,原名Fubi Chan ,一位自學成才的本土動畫師。其創作靈感源自60年代臭名昭著的Cult片導演牟敦芾,作品捕捉了牟導演電影中的一些標誌性場面,可說是種另類的影迷致敬之作。 Fubi的作品也被展示在台北一所結合了藝術、音樂、牙飾和理髮文化的新一代髮型屋「ILOVEYOURGIRLFRIEND」之中。

佛陀 Buddha from 2070’s
DaddyBoy®, Sub9ture - Limited Edition

大頭佛 Big Head Buddha from 2070’s
DaddyBoy®, Sub9ture - Limited Edition

鍾馗 Chung-Kui from 2070’s
DaddyBoy®, Sub9ture - Limited Edition

香港勝利女神 Hong Kong Victoria from 2070’s
DaddyBoy®, Sub9ture - Limited Edition

戰鬥勝佛 Goku from 2070’s
DaddyBoy®, Sub9ture - Limited Edition

阿修羅 Asura from 2070’s
DaddyBoy®, Sub9ture - Limited Edition